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​Amateur Radiostation PA3DWC

Camper & Camping
On this page you will find all of my Equipment, which I am using during the summer in my Camper.
During the summer I am frequently working Mobile or Portable
Camper Comms Fit
The camper is fitted with some communication equipment.
Yaseu FT450at 100 W HF set
Yaesu FT1900R 55 W VHF set for APRS
Yaesu SCU-17 digimodem for digital communications
Toshiba Laptop
20 A 12V power supply
PLXtracker APRS tracker with GPS
Tytera MD380 DMR UHF Handheld Digital
DVMEGA & Ibluestack Hotspot for DMR

Mobile Antennas
Yaesu ATAS 120a Active tuning Antenna
OPEK HVT 400 HF Antenna - 8 Band
Nagoya & counterpoise Dualband VHF/UHF (APRS)
Several Hamsticks which form a short Dipole 7 / 14 Mhz
3 Band End Fed
12 Meter Spiderbeam mast

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