​Amateur Radiostation PA3DWC

PA3DWC - My Clubs
I am a member of several radio related Clubs.
Some are paid memberships and some are for free and only exist on the Internet, most of the time they are special interest groups.

I have been a member since 1978.
The association is one of the representatives of the Dutch Radio Amateurs towards the government and the Bureau of Telecom in The Netherlands

Surplus Radio Society
The Surplus Radio Society ( SRS ) was founded in 1995 and aims to preserve the historical and substantive knowledge of radio communications systems, increase and make it accessible. Naturally, within the rule of law and the permit.
Members seek to achieve this objective through in its original condition and operations to make these devices with associated components. Mainly concerns here surplus military equipment, but also surplus material from civil origin as well as aviation and maritime.

European Phase Shift Club - #19969
This is a Special Interest Club in Phase Shift Keying, better known as PSK31/63/125.
This club promotes the use of the PSK Mode by handing out Awards, see my EPC Award page.
Membership is for free and the club only exist on the internet.

European ROS Club - #1146
This is a Special Interest Club in ROS Mode.
This club promotes the use of the ROS Mode by handing out Awards, see my ERC Award page.
Membership is for free and the club only exist on the internet.

Feld Hell Club - #4292
This is a Special Interest Club in ROS Mode.
This Our club is dedicated to Hellschreiber, or Hell, a unique, HF digital mode for sending and receiving text using facsimile technology in which the characters are not decoded, but "painted" or printed on a screen for the operator to interpret.
Membership is for free and the club only exist on the internet.

Straight Key Century Club - #16493
The Straight Key Century Club (SKCC) is the fastest growing group of mechanical-key CW operators in the world.
First organized in January 2006, our club has grown rapidly to include thousands of licensed amateur-radio operators from all corners of the globe.
Membership is for free and the club only exist on the internet.
30 Meter Digital Group - #6901
Our goal is to promote the use of digital modes on the 30 meter band and awareness on how great this band is - plus
provide place for like minded operators with the same interests.
We will promote awareness of this unique HF band where many have called 'the best kept secret' in Ham Radio and encourage good
digital operating practices, the use of different digital modes, experimenting, known weekly or monthly activities, skeds/spots,
antennas, propagation for 30 meters.
Membership is for free and the club only exist on the internet.

Croatian Digital Group - #1464
​The Croatian Digital Group, forward for short CDG, is a section (a group) of amateur radio club "Radioklub Zagreb". This Group is dedicated to radio amateur operators, fundamental to members of Radioklub Zagreb, who maintaining high levels of amateur radio communications on Digital modes, but also and for all other amateurs who want to join the Group.
All activity of this Group will be trough callsign 9A1EPC. Members of the Gropup will be recognized when they exchange their CDG member numbers.
Membership is for free and the club only exist on the internet.

Belgium Digital Modes Club - #4009
​The Belgium Digital Mode Club is dedicated to the world of Digital Modes. The club BDM like any other HAMs who are interested in promoting Digital Modes in order to keep interest up on the Digital Modes.
Membership is for free and the club only exist on the internet.

FT8 Digital Modes Club - #06836
​The FT8 Digital Mode Club was founded 12.July 2017 after recognising a need for a club for FT8 users who would help newcomers and less-experienced operators to learn and improve about this mode.
Everyone with a interest of FT8 is welcome to join our club.
All FT8DMC members are eligible to participate in various club's activities and award programmes
Membership is for free and the club only exist on the internet.