​Amateur Radiostation PA3DWC

Digital Sounds
Sound off
On this page you will find sound samples of digital modes which I am frequently using.
You will also see Waterfall samples and QSL cards on which you can click to expand.
Slow-scan television (SSTV) is a method for picture transmission used by amateur radio operators to transmit and receive images

PSK is a digital teletype mode based on Phase-Shift Keying (PSK) modulation. The most popular amateur radio PSK mode is PSK 31

RTTY (Also known as Baudot or ITA2) uses the Baudot 5-bit alphabet with FSK to send text messages over the shortwave.

ROS is an amateur radio teletype free running QSO mode designed for low signal/high noise conditions

Hellschreiber (Also known as Feld Hell or just Hell) is a teleprinter system developed in the late 1920's by Rudolf Hell, a German inventor.

Packet system for real time data communications. Used by hams for location reporting, weather stations etc.

CW -Morse Code
CW Morse Code is the simplest and oldest form of transmission found virtually all over the RF bands for a variety of uses.

​MFSK is a family of multi-frequency shift keying digital transmission modes. MFSK-8 and MFSK-16 are two well known amateur modes.

OLIVIA is an amateur digital teletype mode designed by Pavel Jalocha SP9VRC. It's goal was to be effective even in poor propagation conditions

Contestia, developed by Nick Fedoseev (UT2UZ) in 2005, is a digital mode derived from Olivia. It aims to deliver a compromise of speed and performance

DominoEX, also known as just Domino, is an IFK (Incremental Frequency Keying) mode developed by Murray Greenman ZL1BPU and Con Wassilieff ZL2AFP in 2004 that was the first fully developed iteration of the Domino IFK family modes. Used to send text over RF.

MT63 is a Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed (OFDM) digital data mode aimed for use in high noise environments

​THOR is an adaptation of DominoEX with MFSK16 binary varicode and FEC.

OPERA Beacon
OPERA Ad-Hoc Data/Beacon