​Amateur Radiostation PA3DWC

Winlink 2000
A worldwide radio email service that uses radio pathways where the internet is not present, and is capable of operating completely without the internet--automatically--using smart-network radio relays. Winlink provides its users email with attachments, position reporting, weather and information bulletins, and is well-known for its role in emergency and disaster relief communications. Licensed Winlink operators/stations use both amateur radio and government radio frequencies worldwide. The system is built, operated and administered entirely by licensed volunteers.

Winlink How To ?
There are several ways to get into Winlink, first of all it can be done with a Souncard and a computer. But working with hardware is also an option. I will start off with a souncard as most of us don't have the hardware. I have some old hardware but that is limited to Packet and Pactor 1.
If you want to work Pactor 4 you need to buy a modem of 1000 Euro plus from SCS.
Winlink Soundcard Ops
There are a few software programs available, for soundcard ops I would reccomend "WINLINK EXPESS" in combination with "WINMOR".
Winlink Express is the Actual terminal & mail program and Winmor is a software Terminal Node Controller. Further you need a frequency prediction program called "ITSHFBC". This program will help you to make the right choice which station to call. There are a lot of youtube movies out there how to setup. And if neccesary drop me a mail and I will help you out.

Winlink Express & Winmor
Beneath you will see screenshots from a message being send by Winlink Express using Packet on VHF. This can be done by using either hardware or the Soundcard option using Winmor TNC.

This is a screenshot from the actual mailbox where you can read and write your Email
This is a screenshot from the channel selector where you can choose your station to connect. This is a VHF example. On HF a calculation will be made by ITSHFBC which path or freq will be optimal.

This is a screenshot from a connection being made and a message being send
This is a screenshot from the test message which has been send.

This is a screenshot from the Winmor TNC in action
Airmail Pactor 1 on HF
Beneath you will see screenshot from a message being send by Airmail in PACTOR 1 on HF. This can be done by using either hardware or the Soundcard option using Winmor TNC. In my case I use a AEA PK900 to make it happen. But I used the soundcard option as well.

This is a screenshot from the program "Airmail"which I use on HF.
Movie of a PACTOR 1 Connection​​
Winlink & The Dutch Amateur Radio Emergency Service
Beneath you will see screenshots from a very nice distribution DARES made to setup an emergency Network in the Neterlands. It is a complete package consisting of a Packet Agent / Packet Monitor / Digipeater / APRS / Winlink Express. There is also a control program called "DWC" from where you can setup the whole package. I am not involved in this program but every now and than I log in to the network because I think it is fun to test it. Frequency 144.850 Mhz - 1200 Baud.

Web Links to software and more information