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​Amateur Radiostation PA3DWC

Structured Integrated Message
31 & 63

SIM31 “Structured Integrated Message" is a new robust digimode specially designed for making reliable & confirmed QSOs under extreme conditions on all amateur bands.
It is interesting to note that even when a band appears to be closed, there is well chances for an open SIM31 path.
And if you want to force the contact by your full permissible hight Tx-power or by the strenght of your magic directive antenna, Especially during weak propagation, SIM31 could be the preferred mode to help you Dxing.
Even weak received signals, with additional local noises, that are -18dB S/N can be decoded with relative ease.
The Program is designed and very well maintained by Nizar 3V8MN.
SIM31 Waterfall

SIM31 Program

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