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End Fed Antenna WARC Band

Foto van schrijver: Gerrit Vinke - PA3DWCGerrit Vinke - PA3DWC

This design is from Hans - PE1RNU

I used a FT 240-43 for much more power, not needed but beter safe than sorry.        

  • 150 Watt continious, 300 Watt PEP SSB, 90 Watt Digimodes

  • 10 Mhz, 18 Mhz, 24 Mhz

Very easy to build design and a good antenna for people who don't have much space for big towers or long wires

The heart of the multiband (you could as well call it “anyband”) end-fed is a 1:50 (to 1:60) impedance transformer that feeds half a wave of wire fed at the end (or beginning) where impedance is (very) high (around 3k Ohms). You could consider the end-fed an half wave “off center fed” dipole that’s fed VERY off center, like a Windom taken to the extreme: total length half a wave divided over one very long leg and one very short leg. The short leg is so short, that we actually leave it out. Just like a windom, it doesn’t require any radials.

  1. The first 2 windings (between A & B) need to be loosely twisted, but when wound on the core tight to eachother.

  2. After the first windings you have to wind 7 windings also tight to eachother and tight next to the first 2 windings.

  3. The last 7 windings must have some separation.

I bought a complete Kit, so no hassle scraping parts together, the seller will ship abroad as wel.

Diagram of the windings

The twisting needs to be very loose

Clearer picture of the windings

Actual antenna wire length (expirimental) with the coil.

Picture of the finished ferrite core.

Picture of the finished ferrite core.


Pictures of the kit and building proces

I like to wind very loose as I had a shortcut before between the coilwire and the ferrite.


The complete kit



Core build in

Antenna put up during a camping weekend to cut the wire to the exact length

SWR Analyzer measurements

SWR Analyzer measurements

SWR Analyzer measurements

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1 Comment

Aug 17, 2020

Hallo, hier Hans PA0SNY. Samen met enkele collegaradioamateurs de laatste maanden bezig met maken, meten en afstellen van EndFeds (laten we deze benaming maar gebruiken). Met als hart de 1:49 trafo. Van een 40m lange EndFed (met zeer bemoedigende resultaten) via een 23m lange (met spoel voor 80) naar een 19m lange (ontwerp PA0ROB) met twee spoelen. Allemaal goed afgestemd te krijgen. Helaas ging het niet goed met de WARC EndFed, die op 18m niet dipte.

Voor 30m en 12m OK, maar de dip voor 18m zat op 16m. Enig idee wat we fout doen?


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