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Mini Whip - Active HF Antenna

Foto van schrijver: Gerrit Vinke - PA3DWCGerrit Vinke - PA3DWC

After several fruitless attempts to make an active loop work in a city environment, it was found that the electric field from local noise sources was contained within the house. The magnetic field of local noise sources was not contained inside the house, making weak signal reception at LF impossible. Hence an electric field antenna was called for. Tests were performed using an active whip antenna, designed by G4COL. Results were encouraging and the whip length could be reduced from 100 cm to 30 cm without loss of performance. It became clear that at LF an active whip is a capacitance coupled to the electric field.

Diagram of the Antenna Amplifier

The Power Suppply. The amplifier is fed with 12 Volt through the Coax Cable

The Setup The antenna is placed in a PVC pipe. The antenna consists of an amplifier and a piece of copper plate (PCB) from 5 x 10 CM. The amplifier is fed with 12 Volt through the Coax Cable

The finished power supply

The Finished Amplifier

On the right the amplifier, on the left the actual antenna (just a piece of PCB)

Housing made of PVC

Ready for fitting

Ready to receive




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