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Travel Loop HF Antenna

Foto van schrijver: Gerrit Vinke - PA3DWCGerrit Vinke - PA3DWC

Bijgewerkt op: 27 okt 2018

This expirement was done to try to lower the noise floor on HF.  On my Endfed the Noise floor is S9+.​

Both tuning capacitors come from old AM radios and because their  sections are switched  in series , they can be used up to 30 Watts without arcing. ​

The loop is made of RG-213 coax and rests on a cross made of 6 mm. fibreglass rods ( kite shop ).​

Inside the tuner is a shortcut between the centre and the braid of the coax loop to form a solid ring . 

Completed Antenna ready for action

Diagram of the travelloop

Inside of the tuner, but with only 1 loop connected for testing

SWR 1:1

S meter with the End Fed Antenna on. S9+ noise floor.

To my disappointment not much improvement




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